Peel & Stick vs Pre-pasted vs Traditional Wallpaper. Which is best for your wall?
It might be confusing when deciding between traditional, pre-pasted, and removable peel and stick wallpaper. Below is a breakdown of each product to help guide your decision.
Non-Pasted Wallpaper (Traditional)
No adhesive has been pre-applied to non-pasted wallpaper. To install this wallpaper, you will need to use adhesive that is typically applied with a brush. There are many glues and pastes in the marketplace. It is always good to consult with an expert when using this paper, and hire a professional installer to complete the project for you. We recommend Roman brand wallpaper paste (clear). You can find wallpaper paste at your local Home Depot or Lowes.
Pre-Pasted Wallpaper
A paste has been pre-applied and dried to the back of this wallpaper. This paste is water activated as it is absorbed by the paper. You simply spray the back with water to activate the paste. This is a great DIY paper. Grab yourself a wallpaper spray bottle to help apply pre-pasted wallpaper.
Peel and Stick Wallpaper
This DIY option installs like a giant sticker. A backing paper has been applied that can be removed during the installation process. This wallpaper can be repositioned during installation, but make sure the wall is smooth and clean to maintain the adhesive properties. Prep and clean the wall properly before installation. Grab a wallpaper smoothing tool to help apply peel and stick wallpaper.
Grasscloth Wallpaper
This paper requires professional installation using a ready mixed clear adhesive. Your installer should have experience with this product and will want to follow the adhesive application instructions for a perfect installation. Not recommended in a bathroom with a tub or shower due to steam and moisture. * Do not wet with water.